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How to Become A Scrum Master with No Experience

how to become a scrummaster

Tackling a job search is rarely a fun experience. It’s even less enjoyable if you are just starting out or changing your career. Persistence and patience are keys to finding a job with no experience in the field you are searching. On a positive note; however, the job market is strong and there are a ton of career opportunities that didn’t even exist a generation ago. The tech industry is a great example of an industry that continues to need new and different skills. If you’ve decided to look at a tech career, maybe you’ve thought about becoming a Scrum Master.
In this first of a series of articles, you’ll learn more about the Scrum Master role and how you can move into this highly sought-after career!

Step 1 – Do Your Research
Before choosing a new career, you really want to be sure it will be something you like to do. Doing your research is a very important first step. Following are a few things you may or may not know about the Scrum Master role.
1. Scrum Masters are most prevalent in tech or software industries. This is not surprising; however, keep an open mind when seeking a position as a Scrum Master. While the evolution of the Scrum Master position has taken place primarily in the tech space, it is not the only industry in which Scrum can thrive. More and more industries are adopting Agile principles which means Scrum Masters are becoming more prevalent in other industries.

2. Scrum Master does not equal Project Manager. Wait a minute, if I have experience as a Project Manager, isn’t that the same as a Scrum Master? Well, not really. You will utilize a very different skill set as a Scrum Master. Certainly, organization and communication are skills that are important and common to both positions. However; make no mistake, a Scrum Master does not manage, assign tasks, and they are not the “boss.”

3. Scrum Masters are coaches. When I mentioned earlier that Scrum Masters require a different skill set, this is what I was talking about. Scrum Masters are not managers; they coach and facilitate. Their role is to support, motivate and remove obstacles to ensure that the team is following Scrum processes. Employers are looking for concrete, relevant examples of you using your coaching or facilitation skills. As you are thinking about your own skills, ask yourself, “Have I coached before?” Examples may come from other areas in your life.
Now that you have a little background, hopefully you’ll want to learn more about the position and whether it’s a good fit for you. Below are some more resources to help you get started with your research.

• What is a Scrum Master?
• Difference Between Scrum Master and Project Manager
• Scrum Team Responsibilities

In the next article, we’ll look at some ways that you can gain some of the education, skills and experience that you need to become marketable as a Scrum Master.

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